10 Best New Video Game Characters Of 2017
2. Gregg (Night In The Woods)
Oh, Gregg. You're a sassy, gay, anthropomorphic fox who wears a cool jacket and communicates solely through text boxes, and yet you're somehow one of the most gloriously entertaining video game characters to have come along in years.
Gregg - full name Greggory Lee - features in the wonderfully original Night in the Woods, of course, a game which stunned and amazed everyone who was plucky enough to take a chance and download it. The plot of Night in the Woods follows a college dropout named Mae Borowski, who returns home to a former mining town called Possum Springs and finds herself entangled in a strange mystery.
Gregg... well, Gregg is Mae's best friend who works at the Snack Falcon and spends most of his time quipping, throwing out bitchy insults, and generally saying hilarious things, but - as with most of the characters in the game - the writing is so strong that he feels comes off like a real person with real problems, thoughts, and feelings. Because Night in the Woods excels in character development. The entire game is like a lesson in how to craft strong believable characters with rich layers.
And whilst pretty much all the main cast members could have made this list on account of their personalities (they all battle with mental health issues and things millennials deal with on a daily basis), it's Gregg who ultimately feels like the most three-dimensional whilst also managing to stay consistently entertaining.
When it comes to anthropomorphic foxes, Gregg really does put Tails to shame.