If you get your news from internet message boards and comment sections, by now youve heard that Nintendo is completely and utterly doomed. Yes, after over 100 years, the company that single-handedly saved video games in the 80s is set to go belly-up sometime in the next few months. Forget that they have billions stashed away and could survive off it for decades; Nintendo is a walking corpse, stumbling through a console warzone where they never stood a chance. The Wii U is already succumbing to the overwhelming might of the PS4 and Xbox One, and the 3DS, while successful now, will be forgotten once people remember they can play games on their phones. Seriously, sarcasm aside, Nintendo is struggling a bit, but theyre going to be fine. The Wii U isnt doing great, but its getting better and has a lot of potential. And as for the 3DS, it could be argued that no console had better exclusives in 2013. It had a slow start, and the 3D gimmick got old fast, but the 3DS has built up an undeniably impressive library of games. The following titles are the best of the best for Nintendos multi-dimensional handheld. Honourable Mentions: New Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Tales of the Abyss, Steamworld Dig, Pushmo I also chose not to include remakes in favor of original titles. So even though theyre great, Ocarina of Time 3D, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Cave Story 3D, and Star Fox 64 3D are not included in this top ten.
J.D. Laney is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter from Cleveland, Ohio. When he isn't trying to write his own material, he is constantly consuming the work of others for analysis and, occasionally, for fun. He has a particular interest in film, literature, and video games.