10 Best Nintendo 3DS Games (That Nobody Played)

1. Rhythm Thief And The Emperor's Treasure

Rhythm Thief is very much the unsuccessful musician to Professor Layton's bestselling author. Whereas the latter game married storytelling with puzzle-solving to astonishing commercial and critical success, Rhythm Thief tried to do the same by replacing the puzzles with rhythm-based mini-games. The results were...

Well, it's number one on this list so you can figure out how how well that went.

Rhythm Thief tells the story of Paris-based master thief (as opposed to Halo-based Master Chief) Raphael. Raphael spends the game stealing art and solving mysteries via the medium of rhythmic button taps and stylus swipes, in one of the 3DS' most genuinely unique titles. Unfortunately, it was perhaps a bit too unique for the general public and sank at retail.

It's a shame that Rhythm Thief died on the vine. The game has personality and style to spare (Raphael could easily have fit in alongside Persona 5's achingly cool Phantom Thieves), and the game's rhythm sections laid out a decent groundwork for future instalments to improve upon. As it stands, Rhythm Thief's first caper was destined to be its last.

Ah well. At least we'll always have Paris. Here's looking at you, Raph.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.