10 Best Nintendo 3DS Games (That Nobody Played)

2. WWE All Stars 3DS

When WWE All Stars was released on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2011, it was the best console wrestling game that no-one played.

Not content with that accomplishment, THQ released it on the 3DS later that year so it could also be the best handheld wrestling game no-one played. And it was! Congratulations Louie, you finally did it! (One for the Chris Jericho fans, there).

WWE All Star's arcadey, OTT gameplay may have been shallower than a Bra & Panties match (yes, those were a thing), but it was terrific fun for wrestling fans. Watching Andre the Giant beat up the more famous MJF never gets old, and the 3DS came with all the console version's DLC for even more dream match-ups. Want to see Dusty Rhodes beat up Triple H in all his polka-dotted glory? Or have the Honky Tonk Man avenge his SummerSlam '88 loss to the Ultimate Warrior? Look no further!

With two new modes to enjoy as well, the 3DS version of All Stars could legitimately be called the definitive version of the game (despite the obvious graphical downgrade). For old school fans of WWE, or even fans of arcade brawlers, this is a worthy addition to the 3DS library.

And that's the bottom line, 'cause WhatCulture said so! (Forgive me. I couldn't resist).

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.