10 Best Nintendo Switch Games (So Far)

1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild

Mario Kart is essential, but Zelda is life-defining. At some point it felt as though critics were trying to out-do each other as to just how spectacular the new Zelda is, but I'll go one further - it single-handedly reminds you why we play video games in the first place:


By designing an open-world with a perfect blend of exploration and a deliberate lack of tutorials or checkbox lists of what to accomplish, you literally - and in the most intuitive way possible - discover the in-world 'Legend of Zelda' just as you're learning the game's mechanics first-hand.

Learning to fight, climb, acquire ingredients, cook and craft better dishes - you can waste hundreds of hours just picking a direction and heading off to see what's over the next mountaintop. From tiny villages and homesteads to tucked-away crumbling ruins, hundreds of underground puzzle shrines and over-top, a wonderfully self-aware narrative about Link discovering his status as a world-saving warrior, Breath of the Wild feels like the culmination of 30 years of game design from some of the finest minds in the industry.


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