10 Best Open-World Video Games Of 2022

3. Dying Light 2: Stay Human

gotham knights

One of the most important things when it comes to large scale maps is making sure it’s fun to get around them and this is where Dying Light 2 excels. Techland programmed in about 3000 different parkour animations for players getting around at some speed, and the grappling hook and paraglider make moving around the zombie-infested city of Harran one of its most morish aspects.

Whilst the first game was already fluid, Dying Light 2 is smooth like silk especially as the game requires you to spend a lot of time in the air between rooftops. The floor of the city teems with zombies at night and bandits by day. Within buildings, your zombie infection metre rises fast and sprinting between points of UV light to stave off your infection keeps the gaming moving at a great pace.

Dying Light 2’s biggest fault is that it was released as a bit of a mess of bugs at launch which broke up the game’s enjoyment rather strongly. Thankfully, these have been patched out to leave only the good parts: zombie killing, rooftop running and quick decision making.

What lets Dying Light claw to the higher end of this list is it’s co-op which allows four players to easily drop in and out of the city together and do all of the above as a part of an elite zombie-slaying crew.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.