10 Best Open-World Video Games You Didn't Play

6. The Pathless

the pathless
Giant Squid

This is an open world game you might not have played because it only came out at the very end of 2020 in an absolutely packed release period.

If you’re anything like me you might remember The Pathless when it debuted at The Game Awards in 2018 with a very cool trailer and perhaps didn’t even realise that it launched.

Because, well, that can happen when you bring out an indie game in November, the busiest release month of the year.

Those who did play it could tell you The Pathless did a pretty darn good job of delivering on its promises. The game has a gorgeous aesthetic, satisfying traversal controls, and smooth hunting mechanics. The dashing mechanic that enables you to move faster the more you shoot targets to maintain momentum is pretty cool in action and the world design is an absolute treat. Though the game was criticised for being repetitive in some sections, boss fights were praised for their intensity and level of challenge, the soundtrack is lovely, and the vivid colours and lighting used throughout the map are enchanting.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.