10 Best Open-World Video Games You Didn't Play

5. Gothic II

gothic 2 game
Piranha Bytes

I’m going to guess you fall into one of two categories here. You’ve either not played Gothic II and our list title checks out or you have played Gothic II and agree more people really should have played Gothic II.

This is a game you might have missed since it wasn’t a universal critical success compared to some other early 2000s RPGs, but for those willing to put a little more work in to wade into the challenging, signpost-free game world, Gothic II is really something special. Made by Piranha Bytes who also created Risen and Elex, two more games that could be right at home on this list, Gothic II is a perfect example of Eurojank. It’s a genre that doesn’t appeal to everyone but these rough around the edges experiences can be oozing with charm, dozens of interesting mechanics, and inspired game worlds peppered with interesting characters.

Gothic 2 may indeed be two decades old now but if you missed out on it, it could well be some of the best video game fantasy roleplaying you never played.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.