10 Best RPG Characters Of All Time

1. Johnny Silverhand - Cyberpunk 2077

the witcher 3 geralt
CD Projekt RED

A unique thing that links Makoto and Johnny Silverhand is they both start super unlikeable. Both make an awful first impression, coming off rude and standoffish and making no secret of the fact that they think your protagonist is an inconvenience and a dummy that they’d rather not have their ride hitched to. They also both take tens of hours to actually like.

But, oh boy, when you like them, it’s like nothing else. It takes a long time for both of them to trust you and soften up, but there’s something special in needing to actually earn that relationship.

Johnny Silverhand is a rockstar and larger-than-life personality, riddled with contradictions and willing to throw his weight behind all sorts of big ideas and hot takes on every conflict, corporation, and character in Night City. Yet, the more you get to know the Keanu Reeves-voiced antihero, the more he’s willing to admit to his flaws and unrealistic idealism.

He’s fueled by the spirit of rebellion and vengeance but through his gradually burgeoning relationship with V he manages to posthumously see himself and his actions in a different light. Not to mention the beautiful endgame interactions with him if you’ve gone to the effort of investing in your friendship.

Going from finding the guy totally grating to being willing to die for him is not only an interesting relationship arc, but it’s expert writing from CD Projekt Red to completely 180 player’s feelings for Johnny over course of the game.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.