10 Best RPG Characters Of All Time

2. Makoto Niijima - Persona 5

the witcher 3 geralt

From Best Boy to Best Girl, Makoto Niijima tops out the best of characters in a game that is absolutely stacked with incredible confidants.

As is the case with Baldur’s Gate 3, Persona 5 is a mighty long game so you get to spend a really long time getting to know its characters. Makoto first enters your protagonist’s orbit as the put together straight A student, killing it at life and academia and putting up with no less than her best. Get to know her more, though, and you learn that she’s really pushing herself to breaking point, having taken on far more than she should have had to, grappling with a broken family, and quietly desperate to step outside of her claustrophobic straight-edge life.

It makes sense, then, that when she awakens her persona she becomes a badass motorbike-riding, leather-donned powerhouse codenamed Queen.

And a Queen she is. As you get to know her she lets her guard down and her vulnerable side shows, she begins to form close connections with you and your team, and showcases the full gamut of her beautifully complex personality. She also has dialogue in the game professing her love for Yakuza: Like A Dragon so it’s nice to come full circle on that one.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.