10 Best RPG Characters Of All Time

7. Kim Kitsuragi - Disco Elysium

the witcher 3 geralt

Sometimes you can’t help but love the bizarro hero bumbling through side quests, conversations, and conflicts to the best of their ability. But when said hero is as unwieldy and unpredictable as alcoholic amnesiac hot mess Harrier Du Bois, you have to feel sorry for his sidekick Kim Kitsuragi who, let’s be clear, did not team up with Harry of his own volition. Kim is a thorough and polite investigator and Harry is your protagonist, a blank slate who will be whatever you decide he’ll be.

Almost always, this is an idiot who throws himself into ideologies he doesn’t understand and says things like “You look rich. Can I have some money” to the loaded lady down at the docks.

While that’s hilarious, the way Kim deals with Harry is somehow even moreso. He spends most of his time silently judging you, trying to deal with your wild notions, and politely prodding you toward the objectives at hand. Harry begins to get his s**t together thanks to Kim’s influence, but Harry also breaks down Kim’s impulse to stay straight-laced.

There are a couple of delightful scenes where the two even out and meet on the same level, and it’s here they both learn how the other ticks and what past traumas and current difficulties have shaped who they are. The game is designed with near constant dialogue and narration so you get more insight into its characters than most RPGs offer.

There really aren’t that many characters like Kim out there. He’s written in a delicate and understated way that manages to cast him as a sidekick but without sacrificing any of his well-rounded complexity.

Also if you can pass a few super tricky dice rolls you’ll get to see him get his groove on in a makeshift rave and, to my mind, it’s the best scene in the game. Hard core.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.