10 Best RPG Characters Of All Time

6. Morrigan - Dragon Age

the witcher 3 geralt

Morrigan is a curious character in that she’s tricky to call ‘likeable’. There’s so many things about her that are inarguably fascinating, complex, and deeply cool, especially when she’s in a fight, but it’s rare to see a character who is, how do I put this, kind of a bitch.

To be fair, she’s a bad bitch. Morrigan is in it for herself which is a unique thing to find in an RPG companion. She has her own goals and motivations and often instead of influencing her to see things your way, you’ll find you’re influenced to see and do things her way.

She’s a delight to get to know and understand, even when she’s bugging you, and with a brutally realist grey moral standpoint, she’s one of the more pleasingly complicated video game characters.

BioWare is also clever about injecting a lot of crosstalk between your companions as you journey around Thedas so you get a further insight into her personality by listening to the way she communicates with your other buds. She also has a really interesting progression arc between her appearances in Origins and Inquisition.

While Dorian and Leiliana among a strong handful of others could snag this spot just as easily, Morrigan is just so iconic and Claudia Black voices her so brilliantly, she has to take the win here.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.