10 Best RPG Villains Of All Time

7. Luca Blight -Suikoden II

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Not all villains want to destroy the world, evoke ancient gods or anything as grand as that. Some just live for the slaughter and supreme rule.

As is the case for Suikoden II's initial antagonist, the Prince of Highland, Luca Blight.

A brutal act against his mother by thugs from Muse set Blight into a spiral of hatred of the state, as well as despising those he perceives as weak as his father did nothing to intervene.

This is turn causes the Mad Prince to thirst for war, even to go as far as instigate and frame an incident to break the Jowston Alliance as a catalyst to one. Blight thrives on slaughter, often through cruelty and maniacal laughter before cutting down swathes of enemies and innocents alike.

Spurred on by possession of the Beast Rune, Luca stops at nothing to rid the states of any he sees as weak... which is everyone.

Even in death, he's barely repentant at what he's done. The only moment of peace he consoles himself with is that the "flesh-scorching thirst" in him has subsided.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.