10 Best RPG Villains Of All Time

6. Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy III/VI

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Square Enix

"There's a reason 'dispose' rhymes with 'oppose'... if they get in your way, kill 'em"

Who would have thought the man dressed like a court jester would turn out to be insane...?

Appearances aside, Kefka Palazzo isn't mad. Well, in the conventional, snooker-loopy sense, anyway. He's actually the intelligent kind of mad, borne of Magitek experimentation and a general contempt for the world.

An indiscriminate sociopath, Kefka will stop at nothing to enact his contempt for humankind, even as going as far as literally breaking the world.

Of course, it doesn't take long until Kefka falls into that whole "I am a god, fear me mortals" routine we're all accustomed to. But it's the build up, the sheer nihilism and hatred for all that make him a memorable villain.

And that laugh, that mad cackle that really cements that stone-cold killer attitude in. He may look a jester, but no one's laughing at him.

Kefka often gets overlooked in the wake of FFVII making it big, but as far as diabolical plans in the series go, his is near the top.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.