10 Best RPG Villains Of All Time

3. Darth Malak - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

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Jedi and Sith backstories may be predictable now, but that doesn't stop some truly memorable heroes and villains being produced as a result.

On first appearance, Darth Malak is your "typical Sith": Cape, mask-type-dealio, evil scowl and of course, red lightsaber. So what makes him one of the best over, say, Darth Maul? Well, despite Maul being exempt for not being in an RPG, I mean.

Because he is the cause of your memory loss and gradual climb back to power or atonement in KotR. The events of the game proceed because Malak wasn't happy being a number two, as you learn throughout your journey.

A true Sith through and through, Malak seeks nothing more than complete control of the Dark Side of the Force.

Sure, that's usually the intent of all SIth, so no points for originality. But what makes Malak's method standout isn't the subtlety, the poisonous knife, if you will.

It's that he straight up opens fire on Revan's ship, holding back no intent to wipe him out and claim the top spot.

He'll always be a number one when it comes to backstabbing treachery.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.