10 Best RPG Villains Of All Time

4. The Illusive Man - Mass Effect 2 & 3

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Not all villains want to break the universe. Some just want to own it.

More than just an edgy name, we know nothing about Mr. Illusive, or why he has taken a fancy to Shepard at the beginning of Mass Effect 2. It's only after we've been rebuilt that we learn of his intent: that the human race should be the dominant galactic species.

There are real-life parallels there that I won't draw on, but even in a contained video game narrative, eyebrows start being raised at that notion.

Believing that biotics, humans with enhanced abilities, are the way the Cerberus leader seeks ultimate reign over all alien lifeforms.

While he may give assistance against the Reaper threat, by the end of the second game his motivations are much clearer.

But much like Saren in the first game, the price of power and domination makes him susceptible to Reaper indoctrination. By the end of Mass Effect 3, Mr. Man has succumbed to the Reaper forces, yet still holds belief that humans are the priority.

Just goes to show how bad corporate wealth and ultimate power can be, kids.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.