10 Best RPGs Of 2018

5. The World Ends With You: Final Remix

Monster Hunter World
Square Enix

Alright, technically this isn't a new release for 2018, but The World Ends With You definitely did not get the attention it deserved when Square released it on the Nintendo DS in 2008.

The World Ends With You: Final Remix showcases the inventive action-RPG stylings of one of Square Enix's cult classics in its best form. Visually, the Kingdom Hearts-come-comic book character design and art style pops off the Switch's screen. The Final Remix edition is a slight visual update on the iOS re-release of TWEWY (2012), adding just a little extra detail to the stylized world of Shibuya you play around in.

TWEWY: Final Remix is best played in handheld mode, allowing you to make best use of the unique action-RPG combat system by chaining your attacks together by swiping across the touchscreen. Steer clear of the motion controls in docked mode, though, as they lack the fluidity of the far-more-satisfying touchscreen swipes.

With characters and dialogue just as entertaining as it was first time around, some new content in the form of additional abilities, a new post-game mission and a newly remixed soundtrack, there's enough to satisfy fans old and new here. TWEWY: Final Remix is a port of one of the most inventive action-RPGS in recent memory.

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Inevitably talking about Into The Spiderverse. Lover of movies, books and games, not necessarily in that order. @Are_You_Shore I also co-host a podcast now! www.youtube.com/channel/UCKS4_sumDLinlzgdMBAZk7g