10 Best RPGs Of 2018

2. Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter has been growing in popularity in the West since the release of Monster Hunter Tri, but the latest instalment is truly a significant turning point.

Monster Hunter World offered everything previous fans could be looking for; lots of new big game to learn how to take down and loads of new weapons and armour to hunt with.

However, it also reinvigorated the franchise with the removal of isolated zones on each world map and the injection of far more complex artificial intelligence to create the real sense of a living, breathing world. The sight of a T-Rex-like Anjanath going toe-to-toe for ecological dominance with the series stalwart wyvern Rathalos is one that you'll rarely forget.

Not only this, but Monster Hunter World was and will continue to be supported with post-launch additions of new monsters and equipment to keep players hooked. Fighting any of Astera's toughest beasts is easily one of the most engaging combat experiences you'll find this generation, and earning each upgrade allows your character to grow stronger as you too become better.

This is some of the most literal "role-playing" you'll find in gaming.

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Inevitably talking about Into The Spiderverse. Lover of movies, books and games, not necessarily in that order. @Are_You_Shore I also co-host a podcast now! www.youtube.com/channel/UCKS4_sumDLinlzgdMBAZk7g