10 Best RPGs Of 2018

3. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

Monster Hunter World

Ni No Kuni II was seemingly a sequel in name alone, doing away with almost all of the ideas from the original game in favour of more active combat and bringing in some brand new systems; the only thing that didn't disappear was the wonderful Ghibli charm of the game.

The number of changes is vast, but it included a far more fast-paced and fluid combat system, far more dependent on dodge timings and the right skills to counter enemies than your average JRPG. Players could also influence the spoils of war and their damage and resistances with certain elements with the Tactic Tweaker, and the new Higgledies (minor supporting characters with attacks or support abilities) offered you even more choices in battle.

There are far more ideas at play, including skirmish battles which see you taking divisions of your kingdom's forces into rock-paper-scissors-esque battles with enemy forces. Not to mention there's the monumental task of building and maintaining the various facilities of protagonist Evan's kingdom Evermore - all of which grant you access to new abilities or equipment to aid you.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is ultimately a familiar RPG narrative experience that's bursting at the seams with new ideas.

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