10 Best Sci-Fi Video Game Characters Of All Time

1. Garrus Vakarian - Mass Effect Franchise

mass effect garrus

Wielding perhaps the greatest ensemble of Sci-Fi characters since George Lucas took as to a galaxy far, far away, Mass Effect's plethora of personalities are all immensely memorable at the very least.

Surely the one to linger in our hearts the longest is former C-Sec stooge and all-around badass, Garrus Vakarian. After investigating Saren leads him to the Normandy, Garrus quickly becomes one of Shepard's biggest allies and greatest confidants.

He's sarcastic and arrogant, yet somehow the most likable crewmate throughout. From his reintroduction in Mass Effect 2 as the deadly sniper Archangel to the humanising (or would it be Turianising?) moment between Shepard and himself atop the Presidium, there isn't a moment when the player's love for him wavers.

Leaving behind his pencil-pushing past to fight a near-unbeatable galaxy-wide threat is a tale fitting of any great game protagonist, let alone a side character, who could just have easily seen his end at the conclusion of the second game.

From his dashing good looks to his commitment and loyalty to Shepard and his cause, Garrus makes any great Mass Effect scene that much better.

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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.