10 Best Secret Video Game Bosses You Must Find

5. EsseJ - Control

South park morgan freeman

If you've yet to play Control, this year's offering of beautiful weirdness from Remedy, you really should. It's surreal, it's head scratching, and it offers a story unparalleled by anything we've seen in recent years.

Taking place in the Oldest House, Control sees Jesse Faden on a mission to get things under control (pun intended), including taming Objects of Power. Some of these grant Jesse new powers and abilities, whereas some just like to wreak havoc on the world and need reining in.

One of these in the mirror, which distorts those that enter its realm. Sadly, Jesse needs to enter to tame whatever is causing the disturbance. As you enter the reversed world, you're shadowed by a reflective doppelganger, affectionately known as esseJ. Rivaling you in powers and strengths, it's truly a battle against yourself to seal away this rogue OoP.

You do get a treat for destroying the mirrored version of you, though: a neat little costume change that flips Jesse's normal attire.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.