10 Best Secret Video Game Bosses You Must Find

3. Mr. Game & Watch - Super Smash Bros. Melee

South park morgan freeman

Mr. Game & Watch is a special one. Whilst many know the Mario family as the face of Nintendo, or the adventures of Link and co., Mr. Game & Watch was a sidelined mascot for the company.

For the young'uns in the crowd, the Game & Watch games were a series of rudimentary handheld titles, covering juggling, kart racing and tennis, as well as many others. Mr. Game & Watch was the title given to the little silhouetted man that appeared in the majority of titles.

So it was a nice little throwback to include him as a hidden character in the Melee roster. Whilst not immediately available, unlocking the 2D hero can be done with a couple of requirements: either beat various challenge modes with all the main characters, or play a staggering one thousand versus matches. Then you get to face off against the faceless man in the final arena of the game.

In keeping true to his origins, Mr. G&W will attack with a lot of his "trademark" moves, carried over from many his games. Be warned, they are varied.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.