10 Best Secrets In Enter The Gungeon
3. You Can Pet The Dog
The most valuable secret and piece of knowledge one can possess when dodge rolling your way through the chambers of the Gungeon. When you play as The Hunter Gungeoneer or you find her adorable and dorky Corgi down in the Gungeon as a pickup, you can walk up to it, hold e, and pet the dog.
What more is there to know? This isn’t a complicated secret within a secret, but as mentioned above, it’s the most valuable bit of knowledge you will come to know. Because when you pet the dog, it smiles and when it smiles, your character smiles, and when your character and the dog smile, you smile and we could all use some more smiles.
Also, how could you not pet the dog? Everyone knows that if a video game has a dog in it, you better be able to pet the dog or it is simply not worth playing.