10 Best Secrets In Enter The Gungeon
4. Advanced Boss
It all starts with a weird egg. The egg itself can be used in a multitude of different ways. You can either; a. Eat it and restore yourself to full health, b. Throw it on the ground with the possibility of a nice gun spawning along with some gross looking slug thing, or c. Raise it like a Pokémon except you feed it guns instead of rare candies.
Raising it like you would a Pokémon is what truly unlocks the horrifying potential within. Through a series of truly convoluted and complicated steps, you can raise your egg from a tiny snake, all the way up to a powerful serpent that fights alongside the High Dragun and makes an already difficult boss fight one hundred times more challenging and dangerous.
Like you needed any more projectiles to avoid. But this also unlocks one of the rarer achievements in the game.