10 Best Set Pieces In Uncharted History

1. Madagascan City Chase (Uncharted 4)

Easily the biggest and best set piece that Uncharted has ever done, the Madagascar city chase includes everything that makes these moments great; action, spectacle and, most importantly, control.

Out of all of the set pieces in the Uncharted series, this one is easily the longest and most complicated. It starts off with gunfire in a market area, before transitioning to a vehicle chase throughout the city, then progressing Nate having to jump between cars and fight off Shoreline before finally culminating in Sam and Nate being chased by a truck whilst on a motorcycle. It’s ridiculous, it’s beautiful, and it’s great fun.

The best thing about the Madagascar sequence is the amount of choice it gives you at all times. Whilst Nathan is always going to end up on that bike with Sam, you get given a lot of choice in which direction you choose to drive in during the chase, and control is never wrenched away from the player.

It’s clear that Naughty Dog thought quite highly of this sequence as it was one of the first parts of Uncharted 4 shown to the world back at E3. You can see why - the Madagascar city chase is easily the best set piece in Uncharted history.


Which Uncharted moment is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.