10 Best Sniper Rifles In Video Game History - Ranked

10. O’Five - Cyberpunk 2077

cyberpunk 2077 o five
CD Projekt RED

It’s certainly not the stealthiest sniper rifle in video games, or even in Cyberpunk 2077, but you’d be hard pressed to find a sniper rifle that’s more fun to use than this one and it’s the weapon that inspired me to write this list so let’s kick this list off with a bang and talk about the O’Five power rifle.

I’ll admit that my use of the word ‘best’ here is a touch more subjective than it is with all the entries to come but sink a whopping 20 points into your Body stat so you can unlock its full potential and this thing is a bombastic dream.

With its explosive rounds that dispense thermal damage and an effect that increases the reload speed with the amount of enemies that are set on fire, you won’t be taking cover or going stealthy with this monster of a gun, but it is incredibly hard not to let loose without maniacally laughing. I know, I’ve tried.

O’Five only has three rounds and it takes approximately 4000 years to reload but one shot from this thing can take out a pile of bad dudes in one fell swoop and the ones who don’t get one-shot or decimated by the 300% headshot damage multiplayer, will burn to smithereens soon after. Ironically you obtain it during a quest that requires you to punch a bunch of people so you’ll be itching for its chaotic goodness once you’ve earned it.

It may not have the magnetic bullet capabilities of the Ashura Smart Rifle or the built in silencer and reload speed of the Overwatch gun, but I’d argue no Sniper Rifle brings the power and joy in Cyberpunk 2077 quite like O’Five.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.