10 Best Spider-Man Games Of All Time - Ranked

6. Web Of Shadows

Spider-Man venom Web of Shadows

Web of Shadows has become something of a cult classic in the years since it released, in part because nobody was really eager to give it a chance at the time. Coming after so many open-world Spidey games (ranging from the great second movie tie-in to the dreadful third), Treyarch's swan song was seen as being a little stale.

That's a criticism which doesn't really stick when looking back today, though, as Web introduced so many unique features that immediately distinguished it from the releases which came before.

The symbiote-focused plot was genuinely compelling, and the introduction of multiple endings, tied to whether or not you gave into your own black-suit rage or stuck to being everyone's friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, encouraged completely different play styles.

It was true that not much had changed in the open world itself, but the swinging was a return to form after the third movie tie-in, while the devs were free to indulge in the wider Marvel Universe in creative ways (for instance, having a boss fight against a symbiote Wolverine).

It's difficult to find today, but absolutely worth seeking out if you missed it in '08.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3