10 Best Spider-Man Games Of All Time - Ranked

7. The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man

Beenox's first stab at an open world Spider-Man game was far better than it had any right to be. In part, this was because it freed itself from the shackles a lot of licensed games are hampered by, taking place after the end of The Amazing Spider-Man film.

Able to spin its own plot rather than recreate beats from the movie, Beenox were actually able to create a rather compelling narrative which built on that film's foundations, introducing more comic-book elements and characters. It suffered a touch from not having great villains and a lifeless open world, but it made up for that with pretty impressive levels outside of the sandbox.

It was the gameplay where TASM really shined though, with Arkham-inspired combat nailing Spidey's acrobatic fighting style. The swinging was admittedly divisive as it didn't require webs to connect to buildings, but it was undeniably the most cinematic it had ever been.

Leaping from the Empire State Building and swinging at the last moment had always been a thrill in these games, but nothing at the time captured the momentum and intensity of that experience quite like this tie-in.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3