10 Best Star Wars Video Game Heroes Ranked Worst To Best

5. Iden Versio - Star Wars Battlefront 2

Best Star Wars Game Characters

Introduced as a loyal cog in the Imperial machine, Iden Versio's dramatic change of heart makes for a moving piece of storytelling in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront 2. Surrendering to the rebellion, Versio makes a heartfelt plea to Leia Organa to let her apply her years of brutal combat experience to fighting the good fight.

While Imperial redemption stories are relatively common, with both Darth Vader and Finn providing such themes in the films, this one hits slightly differently on account of how surprisingly grounded and gritty it is in presentation.

A key part of Iden Versio's appeal is the impressive consistency she displays in having dramatic arcs. From her defection, to playing a pivotal role in the salvation of Naboo, to her brutal, tragic demise on Jakku, the writers behind Star Wars Battlefront 2 nearly always have an emotionally resonant wringer for the TIE fighter pilot to go through.

Like so many characters in the Star Wars universe, Versio's story has been further expanded upon in books and comics, providing more backstory, lore, and motivations. Considering her transformative journey and dramatic dynamic with the Empire, it's hardly surprising that mediums beyond gaming have had plenty to work with.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.