10 Best Star Wars Villains Who Debuted In Video Games

9. General Rom Mohc - Star Wars: Dark Forces

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Darth Traya
Lucasfilm Games

Let's play Jeopardy!

Your answer is, "An Imperial official in charge of the Empire's elite Dark Trooper battledroids, who eventually dons a suit of armour himself to do battle with the main character".

If you replied "Who is Moff Gideon?", you are absolutely right! However, if you replied "Who is General Rom Mohc?" then you are also right, and get bonus points for citing the original source material (which isn't a Jeopardy rule, but let's pretend it is for the sake of the bit). Either way, it's pretty apparent that The Mandalorian's writers were big fans of 1995's Star Wars: Dark Forces.

To be fair, Gideon is an overall better villain than Rom Mohc. The latter isn't played by Giancarlo Esposito for one (a major strike against any bad guy), and Rom himself suffers from a relative lack of time on-screen before he meets his demise.

Nevertheless, his role as the original architect of the Dark Troopers deserves recognition, and at least Mohc was granted the relative dignity of dying by the hero's hands - as opposed to being offed when a secondary character performed a Deus Ex Crashina into his secret base. (Still haven't gotten over The Mandalorian's dreadful third season...)

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.