10 Best Star Wars Villains Who Debuted In Video Games

7. Desann - Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Darth Traya

Dinosaurs are cool. Lightsabers are cool. A dinosaur with a lightsaber? As the main character of another iconic sci-fi series would say, "Shut up and take my money!"

If "lightsaber-wielding dinosaur" had been the beginning and end of Desann's characterization it would still have been enough to warrant his place on this list. Fortunately, developers Raven Software didn't just rest on their laurels after hitting on the idea of Darthosaurus Rex, as Desann's actions throughout Jedi Outcast mark him as one of Star Wars' worthier antagonists.

Put simply, Desann achieves a lot over the course of Raven's greatest game. He pummels main character Kyle Katarn senseless, tricks Katarn into revealing the location of The Valley of the Jedi, uses the Valley's power to create a Force-sensitive army of henchmen, and mounts an invasion on Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. He even finds time in the midst of his busy schedule to fire off one of the most memorable lines in Star Wars video games: "The Force is not a tool to protect the useless but is, in reality, a weapon to empower the worthy" - a line made all the better through Desann's gravitas-infused delivery. (Every time Desann speaks, it sounds like bourbon being filtered through volcanic rock).

Desann may not be the most complicated villain on this list - his motivations begin and end with "Eat The Weak" - but the baritoned badass dino-man is definitely one of the most memorable.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.