10 Best Star Wars Villains Who Debuted In Video Games

2. Bode Akuna - Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Darth Traya
Electronic Arts

Confession time: Jedi Surivor's initial pair of villains are so forgettable that, a year after finishing the game, this writer legitimately cannot recall their names. They are instead remembered as "The one who can regenerate" and "The guy with one arm (who clearly can't regenerate)".

Fortunately, Survivor has a villainous ace up its sleeve, and his name is Bode Akuna - scoundrel, traitor, and yet another addition to Star Wars' list of awful father figures. (Because in George Lucas' galaxy, if your child doesn't grow up wanting to either murder or avenge you then you clearly weren't parenting hard enough.)

After spending the first three-quarters of the game assisting Cal Kestis in a bid to find a planet safe from the Empire, Bode betrays Cal once their quest is complete. Bode's reason for betraying Cal - to completely ensure no one will be able to find him and his daughter - fails to justify the carnage wrought by his actions (or the fact that his plan would have led to his daughter living in near-total isolation, with only an insane helicopter parent for company).

What makes Bode's betrayal hurt all the more is that, up to that point, he's the most likeable character in the game. A jetpack-toting smuggler who teaches Cal how to use a blaster, Bode initially exudes huge Cool Older Brother energy. Sadly, come game's end your cool bro has been replaced by a mad dog, whose rage and fear are only quelled when Cal puts him down by double-tapping him with the same pistol Bode gave him earlier in the game.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.