10 Best Star Wars Villains Who Debuted In Video Games

3. Darth Revan - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Darth Traya

If you've somehow managed to spend the past twenty years avoiding the most famous video game plot twist outside of "Aerith dies", look away now...

Still here? Then let's discuss one of the main reasons Knights of the Old Republic is still rev(an)ered all these years later.

Before KOTOR, plenty of games - Star Wars games included - had let the player become the villain over the course of the game (hell, putting a few points in Force Choke in Jedi Knight was enough to make Kyle Katarn murder his love interest for sh*ts and giggles). But few games before or since have revealed that you were the villain all along, especially in such dramatic fashion.

Yes, the mysterious Darth Revan - the one who set the aforementioned Darth Malak down his dark path before the start of KOTOR's story - turns out to have been the player character all along. After being betrayed and left for dead by Malak, Revan's near-dead body was recovered by the Jedi Council, who then brainwashed the renegade Sith Lord to forcibly convert them back to the Light.

It's a stunning revelation, made all the better by the game flashing back to the many occasions the game foreshadowed the reveal. Good twists always lay down the groundwork before they arrive, and Bioware were justifiably proud of setting up one of the all-time greats.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.