10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

1. Nightmare King Grimm - Hollow Knight

god of war baldur
Team Cherry

How is it that Hollow Knight can look so much like butter wouldn't melt, but roast my buns so many times with its crushing difficulty? Well mainly because, much like its gameplay, there's so much going on under the surface that it takes hours upon hours to truly master it.

And acting as a sort of graduating final exam is Nightmare King Grimm, who ditches the concept of multiple phases per boss battle because he's that damn good he only needs to rely on moves that he displays very proudly at the start of the fight. His attacks are lightning quick and do a whopping amount of damage. This is a flawless boss battle, and is akin to threading a needle while backflipping over elemental attacks, but what makes this so special is that it's not a boss that only has one way of beating it.

If you prefer diving in for attacks and then back out again, or trying to tank some hits while offering up the punishment of your own, then there are ways to make this work for you. I adore when bosses do this as it really feels like you're in control of your actions, rather than the fight dictating itself.

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God of War
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