10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

2. Vergil - Devil May Cry 5

god of war baldur

What can be said about Vergil? He is at once the perfect foil thanks to his arrogance in his own skills, his chiding nature, and of course, the fact that he can actually back up his boasting in combat, but he's so bloody entertaining that you can't help but look forward to your showdowns with the silver swordsman.

Devil May Cry is a series which never shies away from over the top action spectacle. The fact that the fifth installment was basically this notion turned up to eleven, meant that, of course, the two battles you have with Vergil were utterly spectacular. Even so, I don't think anyone expected them to be THIS GOOD.

Dante's fight in particular stands out as here Virgil warms up by throwing magical blade spheres at you from afar and testing your reflexes with diving lunges. Once you've chipped enough of his health off, he engages his Devil Trigger form and unleashes hell. Now he'll charge you with a flying tackle and summon magical blades to encircle you. You have to shake these off or take damage, but doing so means you may open yourself up to that flying attack and YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT.

Once this is done with, Vergil then mixes up the two forms with increased speed and my lord you better have a hand on your hat because this hurricane of strikes is going to rip it off. The Nero fight is slightly easier but still full of surprising emotional weight. In short, it's an absolute blast.

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God of War
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