10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

From Cuphead to Spider-man, these were the best bosses of the generation just gone.

god of war baldur

It's finally here, the new console generation. Look at them, standing proud and shiny on the top of that mountain just begging us to come up and play. Now admittedly their launch lineups aren't exactly beefy at the moment, but I'm sure that by the time many of us make the ascent they'll have populated their ranks with stellar exclusives, joyous experiences, and of course a good old boss battle or two.

In fact, it's boss battles that are the subject of today's lists, because on this long journey up, why not pass the time by beating the piss out of some of the all time greats who made gatekeeping fun and not a pathetic exercise in excluding people?

These battles were tough, these battles were rough, and each called for strength, resilience, pattern memorization, and sometimes good old fashioned luck. So let's take a look at those who made it their mission to break you, but in turn, ended up making their titles that much sweeter as a result.

10. The Stranger - God Of War

god of war baldur

While it would have been easy to put Sigrun on this list, mainly thanks to how infamous the fight with the Queen of the Valkyries is, one has to admit that maybe the only reason she's talked about so much is because of the brutal difficulty she presents. When it comes to more impactful, interesting and dare I say BETTER fights, The Stranger boss battle at the opening of God Of War's PS4 Debut was nothing short of spectacular.

Proving that appearances can indeed be deceiving, this rat-faced pipe cleaner took us all by surprise when he absolutely battered Kratos in their opening confrontation, and even when we did manage to get the upper hand, he seemed to laugh off all of our attacks.

Confused and strikingly vulnerable because of this, we begin a desperate counter-attack with Kratos in order to save what remains of his family. The fight opens up to some beautiful scripted events and forces the player to think quickly. It's a feast for the senses, and when it culminates with a snap heard round the world, we're left as emotionally exhausted as Kratos is physically.

Thank the gods he's gone for good... right?

In this post: 
God of War
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