10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

9. Alatreon - Monster Hunter World Iceborn

god of war baldur

When the trailer detailing that Alatreon would be returning to the Monster Hunter franchise via DLC, a huge noise erupted from the fanbase. It was a noise that was at once joyous and excited for now players could once again stare down one of the toughest beasts ever to grace the series, but it was also a sound of pain, frustration and fear, because ALATREON IS A MASSIVE DONG WHO WILL POUND YOU INTO THE GROUND LIKE A FLESHY TENT PEG.

Make no bones about it, Alatreon was here to break yours, and with its mastery of, let me check my notes here, OH THAT'S RIGHT ALL THE ELEMENTS, would do so in short order. With some area of effect attacks capable of killing players in one hit and having a huge health pool, this Elder Dragon was a bane for the fanbase for months after its release.

However, alongside all the complaints of difficulty were those who were praising it for just those very same issues. Alatreon is meant to be the best of the best and has eaten all the rest. A true test of skill that will put everything you've learned in the series to date to the test.

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God of War
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