10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

8. Dr. Octopus - Spider-Man

god of war baldur
Insomniac Games

Spider-Man's outing on the PS4 is easily one of the best superhero video games ever put to disc. From the fantastic sense of freedom, one gets from web-slinging around the city, to the empowering rush of taking on a horde of goons and dispatching each and every one without taking a single hit, this was a power fantasy through and through.

And it didn't stop when it came to the boss battles, which offered some truly impressive set piece moments, including taking on both The Scorpion AND The Rhino at once down at the dock, and a high flying fight against The Vulture AND Electro (Jeez this game really does through everything at you doesn't it). However, hands down the best moment was against Dr. Octopus at the close of the game.

At this point, emotions were running high. We'd seen our mentor Otto fall from grace, Aunt May is sick and needs an antidote only Dr. Ock has. It's a battle of two halves as we try to save our friend while stopping him from causing more harm. What this generates is an unparalleled desperation within Peter and makes the fight feel so tense that it might cause the very console to snap. It's genuinely jaw-dropping to play through.

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God of War
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