10 Best Video Game Boss Battles YOU COULDN'T PLAY

7. Deathstroke - Batman: Arkham Knight 

metal gear solid 4 vamp
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

In addition to the stellar combat, moody atmosphere, and action-packed plot lines, one of the best parts of the Arkham series is its lengthy list of villains. Featuring all-time favourites like Joker, Poison Ivy, and Scarecrow to the lesser-known likes of Firefly and Professor Pyg, there’s no shortage of foes found within these games.

One of the best villain encounters was with skilled mercenary Deathstroke in Arkham Origins. It’s a fast-paced brawl that demanded even faster reflexes. It was as stylish as it was fun and proved to be one of the most memorable boss fights in the series.

When Deathstroke made his return in Arkham Knight fans were understandably excited to have a rematch. And after completing all the militia side quests, it was finally time to start the long-awaited reunion.

To the dismay of those who played Origins, however, this fight was built exclusively around this game’s much maligned tank mechanics. Not only do players need to suffer through another prolonged Batmobile section, but all hopes of an exciting second round with Deathstroke were instantaneously quashed when Batman knocked him out with a single punch during a short cutscene.

This wasn’t how anybody wanted this fight to go down.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.