10 Best Video Game Boss Battles YOU COULDN'T PLAY

6. Commandant Steele - Borderlands

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Best known for its vibrant art style, wacky sense of humour, and large arsenal of ridiculous guns, Borderlands has become a firm fan favourite since the first game's release.

Set on the lawless planet of Pandora, this title saw players take on the role of a Vault Hunter whose goal is to find a lost alien treasure hidden somewhere on the planet. After violently gunning their way through the bandit leaders who possess the fragments of the vault's key, players discover that the artefact is in the hands of Commandant Steele.

The formidable leader of the elite Crimson Lance army, this antagonist has likewise spent the game searching for a way into the vault. With her psychic powers and loyal forces at her side, Steele is set up to be a tough final boss

However, once players arrive at the. vault, the villain is unceremoniously killed by a tentacled monster known as The Destroyer, Borderland's actual final boss.

Even worse than being cheated out of what could have been an exhilarating climax, though, is that The Destroyer made for a tedious fight. Even after being tweaked for the 2019 remaster, this boss was nothing more than a giant bullet sponge that posed little challenge.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.