10 Best Video Game Boss Speeches

1. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - "I Must Destroy You"

Soulsborne games (the portmanteau of Dark Souls and Bloodborne) are renown for being a bit thin on the ground for story telling. It's usually through exploration that events unfold, with snippets of lore handed out tighter than puddings in school lunches.

Thankfully Sekiro eschews that, dishing out a fleshed out tale of coups, hierarchal collapse and a hefty dose of mystic dragons and spirits too. It's there for the taking, if players can make it that far.

Genichiro Ashina is a blight on the story, popping up several times along the way. He cuts your arm off, holds Lord Kuro hostage and finally wields the opposing blade to Wolf's, still seeking immortality to save his country. Admirable, but misguided.

Yet when Wolf finally beats him, Genichiro sees his folly, realising his black Mortal Blade can grant his dying wish. The twofold speech comes from both Ashina's, as Genichiro's realisation brings for grandfather Isshin in his prime. Bound by the dead grandson's wish, Isshin's motive is to destroy Sekiro.

Whilst not only one of the best final boss fights ever, that introductory speech makes it all the more lasting before you duel to the death... and resurrection, and death again.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.