10 Best Video Game Documentaries Of All Time

9. The Smash Brothers

Released: 11 October 2013

This free-to-watch documentary looks at the history of competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee. Through interviews and original footage, you follow a community of Smash players from their underground matches to televised events. Unlike the other entries on this list, The Smash Brothers is not technically a single documentary but rather a series of nine episodes each lasting 20-40 minutes.

Most of the episodes focus on a single accomplished player and their journey through the competitive scene. Melee was designed as a party game and was never intended to become a platform for competitive gaming. Perhaps the most surprising thing about the The Smash Brothers is how disinterested Nintendo seems to be in Meleeā€™s best players.

The film is fan made but features exceedingly high production value and is comfortable to sit through. Those who have played Super Smash Bros. Melee, or another entry in the series, will get the most out of it. All the episodes are available for free on EastPointPictures' YouTube channel.


Really wants to talk about terrible comedies and pro wrestling.