10 Best Video Game Easter Eggs, Secrets & References Of 2017 (So Far)

1. Breath Of The Wild's Limited Edition Box Translates As "The Hyrule Fantasy"

Zelda Breath Of The Wild Hyrule Fantasy

For the coolest secret of them all, we need to go back to applying the Sheikah language from Breath of the Wild (as seen here) for the biggest mind-blower in all of Hyrule. One that only rewards the most devoted of Zelda fans.

First up, you need to have ponied up the substantial cash for the Master Edition of the game, which by now, you'll have to sift through second-hand listings online to track down. Still, on its packaging there's a small 'trim' of Sheikah symbols adorning its edges, which if you translate, becomes "The Hyrule Fantasy".

The Hyrule Fantasy was the very first name name pitched for 1986's The Legend of Zelda over 30 years ago. As if more proof were needed of Breath of the Wild is a clean slate, this brings everything full circle.

For more subtly genius Zelda easter eggs, check this out.


What are your favourite easter eggs from all of 2017's games so far? Let us know in the comments!

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Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.