10 Best Video Game Easter Eggs, Secrets & References Of 2019

8. Sand - Metro Exodus

Call of duty modern warfare predator
Deep Silver

I think it's safe to say that Attack of the Clones was the weakest in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Even it's not safe to say it, I still am. However, it did give us quite possibly the worst line in SW history.

Yes, worse than Vader's "Nooooo!". Even more sacrilegious than anything Jar Jar Binks ever uttered.

I am, of course, referring to Anakin's terrible chat up line involving sand. Quite why anyone thought it passed muster to be approved is anyone's guess, but there is an upside to it.

For one, it's easy pickings for anyone to extract the Michael out of it.

So kudos to 4A and Deep Silver for immortalising it in their latest game in the Metro series, Exodus. Once you're up and about on your train, you're free at certain points to explore it and its crew, catching dialogue along the way.

It's in this instance you can catch Tokarev complaining about sand. To anyone else, it's just a criticism on grit in his equipment. But to Star Wars nerds, we got it.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.