10 Best Video Game Moments Of 2015 (So Far)

1. The Battle Of Kaer Morhen - The Witcher 3

Light spoilers within, but sufficed to say Witcher 3's story is impeccable, and you should go away from this entry (if you don't wish to read any specifics) knowing that across a very long run time, when things start coming together, it's damn-near unmatched in its execution of personal relationships alongside action set-pieces. Anyway, sufficed to say, across the game's 60+ hour runtime, you'll have become quite attached to the plethora of loveable characters therein. Geralt's monotonic delivery is just the right balance of blank slate and established badass protagonist, and between everyone from Yennefer to Triss, Lambert to Dandelion, getting them all to band together and present a united front against the Wild Hunt is nothing short of CD Projekt RED's own 'Helms Deep moment'. The best part going in, is you have no idea who's going to make it out alive. Until this point the game has pulled no punches in terms of letting characters die around you depending on your choices, and as many behind-the-scenes cogs are forever turning and dictating which scenarios are then going to present themselves, you can only react accordingly and try to pull everyone through as best as possible. So, when it all kicks off, you're right there the middle of every fantasy-based "Defend or die" scenario you can imagine. Best laid plans go to waste as you all scrabble for survival, leading to a string of incredibly satisfying scenes such as fellow hero Lambert trying his luck against the evil Eredin, and then you playing as Ciri to save Triss from an encroaching horde of warriors - decimating the lot of them in one huge display of immense magical power. When all's said and done and almost everyone has made it out alive, you'll be left just as in need of catching your breath as those on screen. Witcher 3 truly is one hell of an achievement in both narrative and game design, and it's here when everyone comes together into a perfect setup nothing will come remotely close to for quite some time. What's become your favourite gaming moment of the year so far? Let us know in the comments!
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Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.