10 Best Video Game Openings NO ONE Talks About

5. Prey (2017)

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2

One can only imagine what this game would have looked like if Arkane wasn't literally forced by Bethesda to make it a Prey game instead of the original property they wanted it to be.

But for what we got, this game is amazing. And it has one of the best opening levels ever to clue you in on what you're in for. Namely: having your brain and perception of reality bent over a barrel. You wake up as the either male or female Morgan Yu, a scientist being brought in by your older brother to run some "tests".

To begin with, the tests themselves are...odd. Constantly talking about synaptic feedback, or the lack thereof in Morgan's case. Which is something that won't come into play until the game's highly controversial ending.

When the experiment is interrupted by the main enemy of the game, the Mimics, Morgan seemingly wakes up from a bad dream back in their apartment. Only to be told via some handy emails and an even handier dandier audio log that their troubles have just begun. Morgan takes a wrench to his swanky penthouse apartment window to find it all a simulation, and the game proper begins.

A mind bending beginning to a mind bending game.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?