10 Best Video Game Openings NO ONE Talks About

4. Persona 3

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2

At the end of Persona 3, you die. And at the beginning of Persona 3, you are told you will die.

Course, that isn't precisely how the game puts it. Instead, Persona 3's legendary opening cinematic, which players will be confronted with every time they boot up the game, floods the player's perception with symbolism and philosophical writing galore.

The most obvious symbolism is of course the constant appearance of Memento Mori and its various translations, including the many ways one can translate it into English. it's only by getting knee deep into this game that you realize just how literal the game is being with the phrase "remember, YOU will die".

Other philosophical writings littered throughout include Cogito Ergo Sum, je pense donc je suis, and an entire page out of Descarte's Discourse On The Method. If you're a philosophy nut, then I'd say you should play this game, but you probably already have (with all your friends now sick to death of you making excuses for the janky battle system).


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?