10 Best Video Game Openings NO ONE Talks About

2. Medal Of Honor: Frontline

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2

WWII shooters were a dime a dozen in the early to mid-2000s, with Call of Duty and Medal of Honor being the two at the forefront. When EA released their then latest entry - Medal Of Honor: Frontline - they decided to open it with the mother of all WWII set pieces: a near one-to-one recreation of D-Day.

The player is cast as a soldier simply named Patterson as he is about to storm the beaches of Normandy with the other allies, the operation quickly descending to brutal chaos as soldiers are cut down like wheat beneath the scythe all around Patterson. While not on the same level as Saving Private Ryan, it still accurately portrays the battle as a grueling fight for every inch as there isn't even music, just the sound of bullets whizzing barely past Patterson's head.

This is then followed by an equally chaotic, claustrophobic raid on the gunner nests, as the guns and encampments within the nests make the bullet hell outside look like a cake walk.

Frontline was the closest the Medal of Honor games got in their prime to portraying the sheer madness of the second world war.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?