10 Best Video Game Power-Ups Ever

5. Quake – Quad Damage

Mario kart 8
iD Software

There is nothing more simple than extra damage. Be it double, triple or quadruple or… as the later Quake games so sneakily changed, quad damage which was actually triple damage but without modifying its original name.

Sneaking aside, though, whether it’s three times or four times, when you grab this power-up you become a literal killing machine, regardless of what weapon you have.

You could be running around with a nail clipper and you’d still wipe out the entire arena if it was doing four times more damage than usual. The extra damage power-ups are no rarity, they come in all shapes and sizes and in modern days are often rolled into ability points or level ups.

Regardless, Quake makes our list past that of Doom or other retro shooters because it was one of the earliest and it chose to go all out. Not double damage, quadruple damage, meaning that even if you’re the worst at shooters, you’ll be hard pressed to not get a single kill.

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Mario Kart
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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.