10 Best Video Game Power-Ups Ever

6. Half-Life 2 – Pheropod

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Sticking with the seventh generation of video games, released to consoles through The Orange Box, Half-Life 2 isn’t a game known for featuring any kind of power-ups. That is, unless you consider the health stations and HEV suit recharger as a power-up.

However, considering the spin BioShock put on the power-up through its various Plasmids, it’s fair to say that the Pheropod isn’t too far behind. Acquired in the later part of the game from a Vortigaunt who performs his magic on a Guardian you killed, the Pheropod makes Gordon the temporary king of the Antlions.

Squeeze it and they’ll show up from the ground to fight by your side. Throw it like a grenade and it’ll show your Antlion friends exactly where they need to be. They fight alongside the player on your way to Nova Prospekt and this power-up adds a level of difference to the otherwise typical long-ranged shooter combat. Though, the Gravity Gun helps alleviate that monotony, too.

Unfortunately, though, this newfound ability doesn’t last forever. In true power-up fashion, it’s only available for a limited time. Once you’re back to City 17 it ceases to be useable.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.